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Candlewood Country Club has a gorgeous, majestic golf course with an experienced staff of Golf Professionals that will be happy to work with you to help improve your game. We offer a beautiful full length driving range, true putting green and practice bunkers with chipping green.

Golf Course Tour - Candlewood Course

Hole 12

Tee: Blue Distance:391 Yards
Tee: White Distance:381 Yards
Tee: Red Distance:378 Yards
Tee: Family Distance:378 Yards

Par 4, 391 yards. This tee shot requires everything you have, through a narrow chute, to an uphill fairway and an elevated green. Avoid the fairway bunker on the left, and calculate your second shot to the green that is about 35 feet above you. 

The green is our deepest green at 32 paces, and has 3 tiers. Above the hole on the incorrect level, downhill putts will be a very difficult 2-putt